37 questions for building lasting love and intimacy

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Here's What You'll Learn:

  • 37 Intimacy Building Questions - Get a deeper and more profound look into how to build intimacy through a series that is typically covered in three 1:1 coaching sessions of questions that cover sex, how to meet our emotional needs, and how we want our relationships to grow ($900 Value).

  • ​Expressing Love - Explore new ways to express love to each other, including learning the Soul Gazing technique and Date Night planning ($27 Value).

  • Communication Techniques - These Communication activities will help you take a deeper look into the foundations of your relationship and where it holds value and help guide you into the future ($40 Value).

  • ​Align Goals -  Work together towards attaining your ideal relationship and Find what needs are being met, and what needs attention ($PRICELESS!)

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